Emotions! The New Art Adventure

Emotions! The New Art Adventure

Emotions! The New Art Adventure

  • 21 Feb - 21 Feb
Families and young children are welcome back to Abu Dhabi's Children's Museum by the Louvre Abu Dhabi, which has the new exhibition "Emotions!" This is the new art adventure. Children aged 4-10 years old can enjoy the event for free. There are many new experiences this year! You can explore emotions through a variety fun activities that take you to the Children's Museum's three floors. You can also relax outdoors and express your emotions. You can let negative feelings go, or cultivate joy, and all emotions are your friends. Children will be able to discover the hidden world of emotions in art. Artists from diverse backgrounds and cultures have always been conscious of how they represent emotions in their artworks throughout history. ** All children must be accompanied at all times by an adult   Image credit: Children: (c) Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi / Photo by Mohamed Somji/ Seeing Things Artworks: Tragic Mask of a young woman, North of Tunisia, (former Utique), 2nd Century BC, Musee du Louvre. CA6630. (c)RMN -Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre). / Herve Lewandowski - Sad Child, France, 1764, Attiret Claude-Francois (1728-1804), Musee du Louvre, RF2014-6-1 (c) RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Thierry Ollivier - Happy Child, France, 1764, Attiret Claude-Francois (1728-1804), Musee du Louvre, RF2014-6-2 (c) RMN-Grand Palais (Musee du Louvre) / Thierry Ollivier - Sulky Child, Italy, Rome, 1856, Carpeaux Jean-Baptiste (1827-1875), Musee d'Orsay, RF1895 (c) RMN-Grand Palais (Musee d'Orsay) / Adrien Didierjean
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